How using the CORELOUNGE facility can help you!
Posted on 1st February 2019 at 13:29
Some of the benefits you gain by booking a session in the Corelounge at Jim Mason sports massage and using the Icaros Pro device, is that it activates the muscles of the core area twice as much as a standard kneeling plank does (I’m happy to email you a pdf document if you’d like to read this research paper).....

Some of the benefits you gain by booking a session in the Corelounge at Jim Mason sports massage and using the Icaros Pro device, is that it activates the muscles of the core area twice as much as a standard kneeling plank does (I’m happy to email you a pdf document if you’d like to read this research paper). If you're busy at work and dont have lots of time during your working day then twice as much muscle activation is a more efficient use of that time.
The reason it is of benefit to do this, in particular if your job is desk based, is that when you’re sitting for long periods of time the Core muscles (the muscles that support your spine and promote good posture) actually become stiffer and weaker as a result, and the long term effect of that is usually some form of back pain and and more frequent visits to various forms of physical therapy practitioners, (including sports massage therapists!)
There are lots of ways to exercise your core muscles, the added advantage of the Icaros Pro device is that you can transition from a sideways plank to a standard position, in one flowing movement, and this in particular is the reason that the deep core muscles are engaged more effectively, it also means that this type of exercise can be performed in a safe and structured format, which also means that your progress can be tracked using the Core specific software so that you can see and record your best scores, then improve them with training, whilst under the guidance of one of our therapy team 👌🏻
You can try this as part of the taster session, or if you prefer a longer session and to try out the other Core training tools as well, just book the 45 minutes session. The simplest way to do this is by using our online system in the menu above.
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