Outdoor therapy
Posted on 9th February 2021 at 12:24
Many of us are out of our routine at the moment.....

Many of us are out of our usual work routine at the moment for reasons that we are all aware of, and whilst this is far from desirable it does allow a bit of space to spend more time outside in the fresh air and absorbing the sights and sounds or your surroundings. I’m lucky to live near a park despite being in a busy city and I must admit I’ve spent more time walking there over the last 10 months than I have in the last 10 years!
Going for a walk is the simplest form of exercise you can do, but it’s far more than just exercise, and actually being physically able to go for a walk is something that none of us should take for granted.
Despite the nearly sub zero temperatures today (February 9th) my local park was sparkling in the sunshine due to a light covering of snow, and whilst wearing a mega sheepskin jacket that John Motson would be proud of, my brisk walk provided a moderate cardio workout whilst gaining a bit of headspace at the same time, so it’s a win/win situation all round!
Sometimes the simplest of things provide the most satisfaction.
Stay safe.
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